setting initial default homepage
I am deploying FF18.0.2 to about 700 workstations, in the past I have been using;
Mozilla.cfg, copied to <install_Folder> //Firefox Default Settings
// set Firefox Default homepage pref("browser.startup.homepage","http://myhome.pagesite.org");
// disable default browser check pref("browser.shell.checkDefaultBrowser", false); pref("browser.startup.homepage_override.mstone", "ignore");
// disable application updates pref("app.update.enabled", false)
// disables the 'know your rights' button from displaying on first run pref("browser.rights.3.shown", true);
// disables the request to send performance data from displaying pref("toolkit.telemetry.prompted", 2); pref("toolkit.telemetry.rejected", true);
local-settings.js; Copied to <install_folder>\defaults\pref
pref("general.config.obscure_value", 0); pref("general.config.filename", "mozilla.cfg"); lockPref("app.update.auto", false); lockPref("app.update.enabled", false);
but the endusers can not change this homepage, how do I enable them to be able to change the default page?
Tất cả các câu trả lời (5)
hello, change that into
// set Firefox Default homepage defaultPref("browser.startup.homepage","http://XXX");
for reference please see http://mike.kaply.com/2012/03/16/customizing-firefox-autoconfig-files/
Thanks for trying, but when I do that FF wont open; Error "Failed to read the configuration file. Please contact your system administrator"
made that change to the Mozilla.cfg file, which is copied to "c:\program files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox"
Make sure that the file name is mozilla.cfg (;case sensitive; all lowercase).
Does it work with the pref() function?
Also try to save the mozilla.cfg file with UNIX line ending (i.e. only a linefeed and not cr/lf).
The pref() function works fine, I have set a few prefs set during install, but this is the one I can not get to make so the users can change it!
have tried;
userpref() defaultPref()
Only pref() works
The "browser.startup.homepage" is a complex pref and apparently requires a different approach to set as a default value.
- defaultPref("browser.startup.homepage", "data:text/plain,browser.startup.homepage=http://www.bbc.co.uk");