Why push add-ons like 1-click download? Every restart brings it up.
1-Click Download is "pushed" in its own tab every time I start Firefox. I'm liable to quit "starting Firefox" unless this can be stopped. The message equates to, Oh boy! Here's the greatest news on Earth: You are ready to get started! Version 2.0.9 - FireFox 22.* Compatible. I don't want this or any other sales crap being pushed at me, Firefox 22 compatible or NOT. WHAT DOES IT TAKE (besides switching to Safari or Chrome) TO STOP THIS?
Tất cả các câu trả lời (2)
The people who answer questions here, for the most part, are other Firefox users volunteering their time (like me), not Mozilla employees or Firefox developers.
Please be kind to all Mozilla volunteers.
This sounds like it is an issue with the add-on.
Please try disabling the 1-Click Download add-on.
"Please be kind top all Mozilla volunteers." why you poor thing your invective is far less that proper use of this blog... just like the cooks who 'can't wait to try that recipe' Now, if you fine that to be unkind then I suggest you take a look at your sensibilities. Here's a special kindness for you, Whizzer; feel free not to answer. I've been looking for another excuse for moving to Safari... .