I have recently switched ISPs and have anew e-mail address but ThunderBird will not work with this address. Have tried tech staff with Bell to no avail
My old e-mail address was SHAW XXXXX.and worked very well with Thunder Bird mail. I recently switched to new ISP Bell and my new address is XXXXXX However with several attempts with techs ,Thunder Bird will not work with my new ISP. I had to start using Outlook.com and Outlook Express 6 for e-mail,but I really liked Thunder Bird and have numerous e-mails stored in it that I cannot import. Outlook Express 6 is outdated and because I am running Windows XP it will not give me a newer version.I find Outlook.com confusing to me. Can you help
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Why don't you tell us what you did and why it didn't work? Start from File/New/Existing Mail Account, enter your details, click Continue, then immediately click Manual config. On the next screen enter these settings:
incoming POP server: pophm.sympatico.ca port: 995 Connection security: SSL/TLS Authentication: Normal password User name: your full email address
outgoing SMTP server: smtphm.sympatico.ca port: 587 (or try 25) Connection security: STARTTLS Authentication: Normal password User name: your full email address
Also, enable POP access as mentioned in the link.