Dutch spelling check not taking into account contractions of words belonging together
In English words have to be separated by spaces even if you use them together as composite concept. For example the concept "spelling check" is a composition of spelling and check. In Dutch those words should be spelled without space: "tekstcontrole" is correct, "tekst controle" isn't. The Firefox spell check is only recognizing the separate words (tekst and controle) and is underlining the contraction (tekstcontrole) as incorrect when in fact only the latter is correct. This is not an exception, in fact most sentences have such words, so using the Firefox spelling check in Dutch always results in lots of red lines.
All Replies (8)
I added an example, see screen.
This would be a language issue and above most people here. Please file a bug report and include what you can of this issue.
Hi JorisWillems ,
Being Dutch, I must admit that I tend to hyphenate most of those words myself ......... and sometimes that indeed makes more sense (to me) than an interspace, but hey:
we can always switch off the spelling control (or should that be 'spellingcontrol' or 'spelling-control' ?)
Groetjes van Happy112.
I have created a bug, let's hope this leads somewhere: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1289685
The report looks good to me. But it may be a while before it is acted on.
Hey you guys; I'm really confused here (and that's putting it mildly) !
I've only 'gone digital' since the end of March, but up til now I thought that bugs were 'things' to stay well away from (?)
I clicked on the link that FredMcD posted and that took me to:
bugzilla@mozilla.org ......... ???
And now you're even talking about creating a bug ........ ???
Should I just post a new question pertaining to this 'bug-thing' ? Cause I really dont want to interfere with what you're dealing with here.
Greetings from Happy112 .
FredMcD said
Please file a bug report