I've about had it with your new veresion! Every damn website I try to go to, I get stopped with the security warning, even going to websites I frequent every da
I think my question pretty much sums it up, it's so frustrating I'm looking to use other browsers. I'm starting to question your motives for blocking websites I frequent often. Is the "government" meddling here? Even going to my banking and credit card sites get blocked! I've had to use I.E. to do my banking! What gives? Some websites that your browser says are "un-secure", I've had no previous problems with, but what is MOST AGGRAVATING is when the browser doesn't give me the option to create an exception to go there! That just plain pisses me off! But until this started, I've liked and used your browser. Please fix this
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Sorry to hear that you are having these issues, but please appreciate that by using the Beta version you may find the odd wrinkle that we are working to resolve.
Have you an example or two of websites we can try here to establish what is going wrong?