"thunderbird not responding"
My Thunderbird running on my laptop is getting slower by the week. In the bottom of the screen ther is a bar with a "95%" highlighted in red. This % has been slowly going up. What does it signify and how can I lower it?
All Replies (2)
Hello there bevolcko We have read your message We try to help you.
Hi there right yes.
the bar that indicates water happens to your hard disk or memory.
what is the red bar for at the moment perhaps for the storage of ssd?
I can not guess what or how that bar came up there all of a sudden or was it there already it looks like a battery charging status too.
okay your Thunderbird program loopr a little less I understand good. is there also a delay on the entire pc that you use?
or just your software specific?
It sometimes happens that you have installed add ons and also antivirus that crashes from time to time.
You have a laptop desktop a recent computer machine? Check your inbox messages. How full is that?
See how much storage is in the inbox, maybe this is the explanation of the status bar.
if you point your mouse at that bar, a small window will automatically show what it means. Also try your mouse buttons if they do not appear or set the situation to blank so that the mouse has not clicked anything as last.
Greetings Firefox Volunteer.
95% indicates mail quota amount on the server. It would have no impact on your performance.
Performance depends heavily on your computer environment. What version of Thunderbird?