Thunderbird problem with Mediacom ISP
Recently my TB won't send email using Mediacom ISP. I can receive emails. Mediacom has been of no help.
All Replies (7)
According to their website, you should have smtp.mediacombb.net on 587, STARTTLS, or 465, SSL/TLS, authentication = normal password, User Name = email address. What do you have, and what is the error message when sending? What is the antivirus?
I have all the settings as you listed. When I go to send it asks me to put in my password, which i do. but then the 'send' program keeps on sending with no error massage until it finally times out. I use Kapersky Total Security.
The TB profile folder should always be added as an exclusion or exception in antivirus settings, and with Kaspersky you might have to disable other options that affect TB, such as scanning of secure connections. A VPN should also be disabled for mail operations if you have one.
Running Windows in safe mode is a way to bypass startup apps like antivirus and test their impact.
I'm not sure what you are saying. What should I do with my profile folder? How does this keep mail from being sent?
Scanning of outgoing mail by incompatible antivirus apps is a common cause of sending failures. Add the profile folder as an exclusion in Kaspersky. The profile folder location is shown in Help/More Troubleshooting, about:profiles.
I put my TB profile folder in Kaspersky exclusion but that did not solve the problem. I think Mediacom has done something with their email.
I don't know if Kaspersky is the sole source of the problem, but you could do a test to see if it has any negative effects by running Windows in safe mode with networking, which bypasses startup apps, or removing Kaspersky entirely.