sending of an e-mail
Since yesterday after composing an answer to an e-mail there is not any more the Icon 'Send' seen on the screen as demonstrated in the appended file. Thus sending is impossible. Was there a system change? What can I do? Thanks for help Viktor Gröger
All Replies (9)
From compose window, click View>Toolbars and click the Composition Toolbar.
Hello David! I do not seem to have a link View>Toolbars on my screen (as appended). Thus I can not click on it. Is it hidden somewhere? I am glad for help. Best wishes Viktor
On main screen, position cursor near top, right-click, and select 'Menu bar.' Then click 'write' and then click 'view>toolbars and click composition toolbar. I think that should do it.
Dear David, thank you so much for your kind help and your patience. Unfortuntely again it doesn't work. Starting from ScrSh1 I go to the top and click right. There appears ScrSh2. In this drop-down menue I click to 'Menüleiste'. If I repeat step 1 I obtain ScrSh 3. The next click on 'Neue Nachricht verfassen' results in ScrSh4. The same result is obtained if i do the click immediately after I have clicked 'Menüleiste'. Anyhow I find again no possibilty to click on 'view>toolbars' ('Anzeigen Werkzeugleisten' or similar) and obtain the drop-down menue. Where does this link hide? Sorry for asking you once more for help. Thank you so much once more Viktor
I am attaching two samples in English. Menu items are the same, just different language. I think this may help. The first is the main screen, showing selection for menu bar, which I think you showed in your screen three. The other is selecting the composition bar from the Write screen. Do let me know if this explains it better.
Dear David, Thank you very much but unfortunately I am not able to obtain such a rich command structure as given in your example 2. I followedyour description but I always end up as I told with a write page without any possibilty to select any tool. I thought I was rather clear in describing what I did and what resulted. To me personally this problem seems thus to be more and more hopeless, sorry for that. As I have my e-mail contacts at thunderbird only and my complete conversation for my e-mail address viktor@groeger.or.at on thunderbird I cannot give up. Therefore I will try to find somebody experienced here in Vienna to track down what the problem could be. Thank you again for your kindness, best wishes viktor
I suggest you backup your profile and then install Thunderbird on top of your installation. My assumption is that would allow Windows to correct any registry errors that may have corrupted the installation. If you have an antivirus running, I suggest disabling it during the install.
Thank you David, it seems you are right. I will get help for the task you suggest as I am old and not sure how to do that reliably but I am confident that will work. I don't believe in witches and I am glad that you showed the way. Have a nice Sunday, Viktor
You are very welcome.