Need to know why websites say my cookies are Blocked. My cookies are on and acept 3rd party cookies is checked and the web site is not blocked but Excite, StatCounter and links off of my job servcie site say cookies are blocked
I am getting error messages on several different pages that my cookies are blocked but checking the Tools - Options - Privacy accept cookies and accept 3rd party cookies are both enabled and the web sites are not listed under the exceptions button
URL of affected sites
http://www.excite.com; http://my.statcounter.com; http://www.careerbuilder.com/jobseeker/ApplyOnline/ExternalApply.aspx?useframes=True&aourl=http%3a%2f%2fjobs.brassring.com%2f1033%2fASP%2fTG%2fcim_jobdetail.asp%3fSID%3d^yO_slp_rhc_SH6kO%2fBg3XfACT2rJ6oKKYLIsW2rhGiHOLenpNYCPYFHjYWwlbbMXORa6BsEbeeuFe2XAiP77_C_R__L_F_0JLmPqHv6d5W1fI_slp_rhc_1wVz03j7dDsFltg%3d%26jobId%3d356833%26type%3dsearch%26JobReqLang%3d1%26recordstart%3d1%26JobSiteId%3d5224%26JobSiteInfo%3d356833_5224%26GQId%3d0&Job_DID=J8E4VG6H6JZV4W5S7B5
All Replies (1)
Check on the setting, as far s i know it was there by going on tools>options> privacy then check it out. If there was no changes, what i can suggest is try to update your firefox.