Firefox frequently freezes. I can't click on anything (tabs, menu buttons, bookmarks, etc.) The only button that works is the upper right close button which when clicked will ask me if I want to "save & quit." Then I have to restart. Help fixing this?
Frequently when I use Firefox it will all of a sudden freeze. It no longer will accept any user input from the keyboard or mouse. I cannot click on any of the open tabbed pages I have or on my bookmarks or any of the menu buttons. Nothing works. When it happens if it is loading a page it will just freeze in the middle of loading it. I've tried to see if the freezes are caused when it loads certain types of content (java, flash, etc...) but there seems to be no rhyme or reason as to when it happens or with what types of pages. I cannot find a pattern. The ONLY button that works is the close button in the upper right hand corner (X). I can click on that and then Firefox will prompt me with it's regular message asking me if I want to save and quit, quit, or cancel. I'll hit save and quit and then reopen Firefox. It opens my tabs and if I was in the middle of a post it generally will still remember the text I've typed (except Facebook!).
It's beginning to drive me nuts and I'm really hoping to find a fix to this.
All Replies (2)
You will also notice that your shift key will be emulated. Meaning that keys you will try to press will press but they will act like you are pressing the shift key when you are doing them.
Try this, minimize the firefox window by pressing the tab on your taskbar. After doing that maximize it again. You will magically be able to click any link on your page. When you navigate to a new page however, the entire situation will start all over. My only remedy is rebooting and hoping it doesn't happen again soon.
It happens if you have many heavy add-ons installed in your Firefox. But if this happen, try to click + button to create a new tab and after opening it, you will be able 2 do ur work............. otherwise u have 2 restart it. I would suggest that plz. disable (not uninstall) the add-ons which you don't want to use at that time, so you won't suffer by this problem....... For more information Contact : hasit.p.bhatt@gmail.com