I need to upgrade from version 2 to use certain websites. I can download version 3.6 or but once opened I dont know what to do next, I just seem to geta big list and can't get the programme to run?? Can anyone help????
My netbook is about 2 years old and came with firefox and linux. It has only been used for internet browsing and has been great......but now firefox version2 is out of date and sites such as facebook are not useable. It suggests i update to a newer version of firefox. I can find version 3.6 or 4 easily, download it but when I go to open it theres no run or prompts of how to install. I am not very computer literate to cant understand things that come of when I google for an answer!! Can anyone help me in easy to understand terms please??? thank you in advance
All Replies (7)
The downloadable version of Firefox for Linux does not appear to be installable.
I assuming the "list" you're seeing is some sort of archive manager? If that's the case, you should be able to "Extract" or "Copy" its contents to a separate folder (like ~/firefox).
You can then run the new version of Firefox by going to that folder and running the file named firefox.
If you want to really install it as a normal program, however, you're better off using the repositories rather than downloading it. If you tell what distribution of Linux you are using (Ubuntu, Knoppix, etc.), I may be able to help you find firefox3 on the repositories.
thank you for your reply....however I am lost already!!! How do I find the distribution??
Hi, I have the same problem. I have an acer aspire one. It uses Fedora 8. I would upgrade firefox but it was incompatible. So I would upgrade my version of Fedora, but I'm afraid to loose my current acer graphic interface, wifi connection ,... Is it really possible to upgrade Firefox without upgrading Fedora 8?
Mine is also the Acer aspire one
I did that : Open Terminal
1 - wget http://rpms.famillecollet.com/remi-release-8.rpm
2 - sudo rpm -Uvh remi-release-8.rpm
3 - sudo mousepad /etc/yum.repos.d/remi.repo
Make sur that in remi section enabled value = 1 and in test section enabled value= 0
4 - sudo rpm -e --nodeps firefox
5 - sudo yum install firefox
It was successful for me after many hours to look for the right answer
I've forgotten to say you have to connect you as an administrator. So when you open the terminal you must type "su root" press enter and then type your password, the one you have created when you have used your computer for the first time or when you have re-install fedora on the cd-rom furnished with the computer.
i tried
sudo yum install firefox
But it says it is uptodate at v3.6.17 ... BUT there exists now a v5 ...? i tried downloading v5 but ran into the problem in this thread. How do i update ff?