Where is the bar at the top of the page that says-FILE/EDIT/TOOS OPTIONS ?
Before Firefox 4 was installed I had a bar at the very top of the page starting in the left hand corner...It read:FILE/EDIT /HISTORY/ BOOKMARKS /TOOLS . Now it is gone...I have no where to click if i want to PRINT UNDER fILE. Before I added on Walnut the ADD-ON page had a picture of WALNUT-and it had the bar acrosss the top of the page.I downloaded it and it was gone. Can you tell me where it has gone or where it is hidden,Please. Thanks so much for your time, Sincerely Kate Van Rijn
All Replies (4)
By default on Windows Vista the menu bar has been replaced with the orange Firefox button where you can access commonly used commands.
If you want to temporarily display the menu bar press either Alt or F10.
If you want to permanently display the menu bar, right-click on a toolbar, then click the "Menu Bar" entry to select it.
Doesn't work on my page.
It worked!!!!!!! I am so happy.. Thank-you very much...For some reason this made my afternoon....I had been trying to figure it out . Kate
Got it ... thanks so much