How can the blue bing dropdown search bar be removed at msn.com
At the web site msn.com when you scroll down the page a large blue bing search bar drops down. It takes up too much space. How can this be removed? It's not comming up with ie browser.
All Replies (6)
Install this add-on: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/quickjs/
Before you go to msn.com, click the QuickJS button to disable Javascript. This will prevent the blue search bar from appearing.
When you want to re-enable Javascript again, click the button and then hit F5 to refresh the page.
@-moz-document domain(msn.com) { #headl {display:none!important;} }
Disabling Javascript is not the fix I'm looking for. This bing bar is not there with javascript enabled IE browser. There's got to be a better solution without playing around with javascript all the time. Thanks for your reply but I'm looking for a more correct solution.
Strangely enough, it doesn't do it anymore. I opened the link you posted in IE8 to see what was different and then opened it again in Firefox. As you can see from the screenshot, it now displays the same in both browsers.
You get that bar if you scroll down and the Bing bar at the top gets out of sight.
You can also block such scripts with NoScript.
I didn't try that I must admit co-rel.
@ Peter708, the Bing bar also appears in IE8 when you scroll down, so you're no better off with that browser.