Unable to get uploaded file name or path in requestBody in webRequest.UploadData on browser.webRequest.onBeforeRequest event
I upload file in gmail and try to log file name in webRequest.UploadData but its log like "file : <file> . i needed uploaded file path.
This is my code snippet of java script - function logURL(requestDetails) {
if(requestDetails.requestBody) { if (requestDetails.requestBody.raw) { for (var e of requestDetails.requestBody.raw) { if(e.file) { console.log("raw file inside: "+ e.file); } } }
if(requestDetails.requestBody.formData) { var dictionary = requestDetails.requestBody.formData; for (var key in dictionary) { console.log("form data : key=" + key + ", value=" + dictionary[key]); } } }
logURL, {urls: ["<all_urls>"]},["requestBody"]
All Replies (3)
Not that you won't get an answer on this forum, but your question may be better suited for the Firefox add-on development community on Mozilla Discourse.
You can't get the upload file path, see #c49 #c50 #c70.
- Bug 143220 - [FIX]Script can get the value of a file control, including the path
In Documentation mention that requestDetails.requestBody.raw[i].file gives name of file to be uploaded but in my case it does not give file name too. Could you suggest me way to getting name of file to be uploaded in browser.webRequest.onBeforeRequest event?