How to disable session restore?
Well, I got the big new update for Firefox on Android, and it's doing something I hate. If I close the Firefox app, the next time I go into it, all the tabs I had open before closing are still there.
I get why some people would want this, I really do. But it didn't happen before the update, and for YEARS I've been used to a certain workflow. It's muscle memory at this point. Doing things this way does not feel good to me.
Enabling the setting to clear browsing data on exit, and only selecting "open tabs," send like it should be perfect. Problem is, you have to hit the tiny menu button and select "quit." This means I have to always keep in mind to use a different method to quit Firefox than I use to quit every other app.
I'm really hoping there's some hidden settings or something like there is on the desktop version.
All Replies (1)
Thank you for your feedback. This is something that may be following in a future update.