Cannot Send Emails on Frontier.com
Good day, 1st time I have needed help with Thunderbird in years of use. Over the last several weeks I have been getting the following message when trying to send emails:
"The size of the message you are trying to send exceeds a temporary size limit of the server. The message was not sent; try to reduce the message size or wait some time and try again. The server responded: 4.7.1 <unknown[]>: Client host rejected: mvhdr@frontier.com exceeded hourly recipients threshold.."
I contacted Frontier and the tech tried several things; no help; she decided problem is not on their end. She changed my Frontier PW and it worked again for 2 days, then no more. I can send from Yahoo and I receive email fine on Thunderbird. I do not send large emails or multiple addresses. Windows 10 machine. Thanks for any help!!
All Replies (3)
open the outgoing server (SMTP) entry in account settings and check your frontier SMTP setting uses a user name and that authentication is required I have seen that message appear when the server is set to authentication not required (so you are not logged it, so you have a zero sending limit)
Thanks Matt. After posting this question I found the 9 pages of info on my same problem. I followed the info on changing to smtp.mail.yahoo.com and other setting changes and I can once again send my emails. Thanks to all for the help!
Could I redirect your attention over here https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1698316 as the result of the bug directly affects you. I do not know if you could assist the developer in the matter, but even it you can not it might be worth following along.