Limiting the volume level of any audio played on the firefox browser?
Dear Firefox community,
How can I limit the volume of audio played by Firefox so that users who stupidly create super loud audio in thier video or stream do not hurt my ear drums?
This is a simple question but it seems like nobody knows the answer to it.
I did try to find a limiter extension but all I found was a compressor and it did nothing but bring the noise floor up and make the audio very noisy.
If firefox does not have an inate Limiter, is it possible to use a VST limiter somehow?
Please help my ears.
Musical regards
All Replies (7)
Hi Ronnie, I think Firefox only has the concept of 0%-100% of the volume of a given player. I don't think it monitors how much sound that actually is. Or maybe that is available to websites and add-ons but rarely implemented.
The Windows Volume Mixer has a slider for Firefox that lets you cap the output to a particular level. Can that be used as an interim measure, or does that have the approach, making some sites too quiet?
Hi buddy, I know you are trying to help but the the volume slider does not solve my problem at all. I already have my volume set at talking level. not high, not low.
Random audio from video and live stream spiking LOUDLY in volume is my problem.
I really do get stressed and my ears hurt when this happens. It happens for example when a live streamer decides to shout into thier mic and this hurts me.
I know what tool I need, it's called a Limiter, I just don't know if firefox supports it, anybody else know the answer?
Did you do an add-on search? Maybe something like:
from https://www.google.com/search?q=audio+limiter+site%3Aaddons.mozilla.org
Yes, I did as explained in my initial message. The compressor you linked is the same one I desrcribed that is noisy and does not limit audio.
It seems that there does not exist a limiter which is strange to me.
Do you know if it possible to apply a Virtual Studio Technology plug-in in Firefox? If yes, this would solve my problem I have with extreme volume spikes.
Unfortunately, there is no interface for plug-ins other than the two you find on the Add-ons page under plugins.
I don't know whether a VST plugin-could be adapted to run as an extension, but it would be subject to the same restrictions on accessing the audio stream as the compressor add-ons.
I think the best hope is to find a way to intercept Firefox's audio output and route it to a program that can clean it up before it hits your speakers/headphones.
Hi jscher, that is GREAT idea. do you know of an audio program that can route firefox audio to it?
I don't know anything about audio, as you can tell. However, there are some suggestions out there that work at the system level. For example:
Whether they can handle just browsers without interfering with media players, I don't know.