How can I stop FF starting when I turn on my PC
When ever I start my PC FF loads a website (for TomTom) automatically. It is overiding my chosen start website (BBC News). I have looked in Start/All Programs/Start Up folder but do not see any reference to FF.
I have looked in FF's Tools/Options/General and see the BBC site is set as the default site but the TomTom site appears instead.
How can I prevent this, please?
All Replies (2)
I found this on another site. Unfortunately, not before getting totally disgusted and switching to chrome.
1. click start (or the windows flag button at the bottom left)
2. in the "search programs and files" or the RUN dialog box, enter "msconfig.exe" or "msconfig".
3. That should open the system configuration program.
4. click the "Startup" tab at the top of the opened program.
5. Under the "startup item" column, look for Mozilla firefox.
6. uncheck that one.
7. Click OK or apply.
8. click "exit without restart".
9. you're good to go.
Ti ṣàtúnṣe
Thank you very much for this help. I will give it a go.
Best regards