M5 is disabling my software what can i do do i disable M5 until the problem is solvedAVG anti virus
FireFox 5 is disabling my AVG updates. It cant up date. Found similar issue here but when logged the issue cant be found. The history will not let me bring up the page to follow answers.
All Replies (3)
You can try this extension if you have compatibility issues with other extensions after upgrading Firefox:
Please also let AVG know of this issue, http://www.avg.com/us-en/support
Thanks Tried the extension. It took the red x off the AVG page but the updates still failed. I followed advice and went to AVG searched for it and found a response from other enquirer 'they were aware and working on it' etc.
I gave them 24hours before panicking. This morning it updated ok.
Please log in and press "solved it" button next to the post that solved the problem. This will make this thread searchable by other users who have same issue.