Can I close Firefox and Plugin-container with a batch file? ANSWER: Yes. SOLUTION below.
Steps to create batch file to End process tree: "Firefox.EXE" 1. create new .txt file 2. copy/paste the following: taskkill /IM firefox.exe 3. Save 4. Rename the txt file - EndFirefoxTree.bat 5. Run from desktop at any time, give it a cute icon if you'd like!.
Steps to create batch file to End process tree: "Firefox.EXE"
1. create new .txt file
2. copy/paste the following: taskkill /IM firefox.exe
3. Save
4. Rename the txt file - EndFirefoxTree.bat
5. Run from desktop at any time, give it a cute icon if you'd like!.
All Replies (1)
This works well although user will need to put the .bat file in Documents and create a shortcut to desktop in order to change the icon (of the shortcut).