What happened to Send Link? It seems to have disappeared after upgrading to Firefox 16.
The right click menu option "Send Link" appears to have disappeared from Firefox 16 (desktop). Why? Is it coming back. I used this feature several times a day (and so did several of my friends). There does not seem to be a Add-On to can perform the same function. Please Help!
Ọ̀nà àbáyọ tí a yàn
Edited 2012-10-27 to add the following information about a new Addon:
A new Add-on that will add a "Send Link" option to the context menu when right-clicking on a link on a page:
Original post marked as solution by the original poster is below the break
Changes have been made in Firefox 16 to some of the right-click menu options. The changes were made by Mozilla developers after research into the use of certain right-click options.
- You can read the Bugzilla reports below as to why the change was made.
- You can access the former "Send Link" by pressing the ALT key (in Windows) > click File > click Email Link.
- There is also a new Add-on that you can try - https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/email-this/
- DO NOT post in the Bugzilla reports - Read the following - https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/page.cgi?id=etiquette.html
- bug 239307 - Remove "Send Link..." from context menus
- bug 770419 - Rename "Send Image...", "Send Video...", and "Send Audio..." to "Email Image...", etc
All Replies (10)
This is a dealbreaker for me. The Send Link right-click menu item was literally all that has kept me from switching to Chrome long ago. I can't fathom the decision process that went into this. After displaying a page, forwarding links is the next most important thing for a browser to do. I forward 15-30 a day. I guess after many years, I am done with Firefox if they don't quickly put this back, at least as a user-enabled option.
What arrogance and poor foresight! :(
Unfortunately, when I tried that, the "Submit" button doesn't register a click, so I have no way of contacting them.
A new Add-on that will add a "Send Link" option to the context menu when right-clicking on a link on a page:
Phfew! Very nice find. All is well again. :D
I've submitted the following two feedback items to Firefox: Sent to "Firefox Made Me Sad" at http://input.mozilla.org/en-US/feedback#sad: You still haven't put "send link" back onto the right-click context menu - see bugs 239307, 786185, 800565, 803805, 804124, 804424, 805134, and 805949
Sent to "I Have an Idea for Firefox" at http://input.mozilla.org/en-US/feedback#idea: Put "send link" back onto the right-click context menu - see bugs 239307, 786185, 800565, 803805, 804124, 804424, 805134, and 805949
Feel free to do the same - you're welcome to cut-and-paste the above messages. Maybe if we bombard Mozilla with requests to put "Send link" back, they'll relent and DO IT.
(Note: The reference to "bugs" in my messages has to do with Bugzilla, Mozilla's tech system for reporting problems - for information about Bugzilla, see http://www.bugzilla.org/docs/4.0/en/html/index.html)
Thanks for all the replies. I was out of town when they arrived so I am just getting to them. I just updated to Firefox 16.0.2 and added the add-on BUT still cannot send a link from tjhe drop down menu under File. Left click does nothing and right click gives choices: menu bar, navigation toolbar, bookmarks toolbar, add-on bar and customize. None seem to do anything to enable me to send a link! Any additional suggestions will be much appreciated. can't get "add to cart in Amazon and other sites so I have multiple problems.
That does not work for me and nothing seems to help.
Agree with everyone in this thread. Send link was the only reason to use this lousy browser.
Bring it back.
This is not the first time that their research remove very useful features... Maybe a Chrome employee is conducting the research for Mozilla ...