I am trying to sync an Android phone with my desktop. I have created a Firefox account, but I cannot find what to do next
I am following the instructions (to the extent I can find any) for syncing my Android to my desktop. When I follow the sync menu on either device, it leads nowhere. There does not actually appear to be an option to sync from either device
All Replies (5)
When you set up Firefox Sync on your computer, all of your data and preferences (such as your bookmarks, history, passwords, open tabs and installed add-ons) gets stored securely on the Mozilla servers. You can share all this information across all your devices.
please see : How do I add a device to Firefox Sync?
Firefox 29 has a new version of Sync.
Are both devices running Firefox 29? If not, update to Firefox 29 on your desktop and then on the Android device.
Thank you for your advice. I went to your link for setting up sync. It seems to work on my desktop, but when I follow the instructions for my Android, I get an error message saying an account with the same email address has already been set up. It will not let me go further.
I tried downloading the current version, but I received an error message saying I already have the latest verison
I watched the tutorial you sent. It said to pull down the firefox menu and click on "Sign in to sync"
However, when I pull down the Firefox menu on my desktop, it looks exactly like the one on the tutorial, except that there is no option "Sign in to sync." It is simply not there.