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Signing an e-mail

As an enthusiastic Thunderbird user, I recently installed Thunderbird for Android and set it up using a QR code. Fantastic! I always sign my outgoing emails with an Open… (了解更多)

As an enthusiastic Thunderbird user, I recently installed Thunderbird for Android and set it up using a QR code. Fantastic!

I always sign my outgoing emails with an OpenPGP certificate. I have integrated this on my smartphone using OpenKeychain. The question now is: how do I sign the outgoing emails?

The key is set up correctly with OpenKeyChain, the menu item ‘Activate encryption’ (German: ‘Verschlüsselung aktivieren’) is displayed, but not the menu item ‘Activate PGP-only signing’ (German: PGP-nur-Signieren aktivieren).

Philippe Bonifatius 于 1 天前提问