When I imported my address book, instead of names, only the first part of the e-mail address shows up (e.g instead of Doe, John, it shows jdoe).
My computer crashed, & I'm trying to import the address book from Thunderbird on my netbook to my new desktop. I exported as an LDIF file and then tried a CSV file. Display name, instead of being "Doe, John" or "John Doe" is the "jdoe" from e-mail address "jdoe@gmail.com". I've deleted the address book a couple of times & tried again, but it does the same thing. I really don't want to have to add hundreds of names one by one!
所有回覆 (5)
Might be an idea to use this add-on. https://freeshell.de//~kaosmos/morecols-en.html
Now you can import and export the native address book formats.
Install instructions http://chrisramsden.vfast.co.uk/3_How_to_install_Add-ons_in_Thunderbird.html
This looked really helpful -- but when it came to installing it, the "tiny button to the left of the search window" is no longer there, and I am unable to find a way to load it from my "Downloads" file where I downloaded it to. Trying to "open with" Thunderbird doesn't seem to work either. Any suggestions?
The tiny button looks different on Windows. Looks like a cog or a gear.
There is a picture on my blog here http://thunderbirdtweaks.blogspot.com.au/2011/08/xpi-files-or-how-to-install-add-on-in.html
Hi again Matt, I'm using Thunderbird 3.1.20, and there is NOTHING next to the Search box. Any ideas?
Huge ideas, upgrading the thirty or so versions so your using something similar to what everyone else is using. My Daily build is Version 33 and the release version is 31