Just opening Firefox and to a google page and Firfox begings to Hag/freeze every 30 sec. after hour+ on.
Over a month ago I began to have a issue. Where Firefox hangs has issues. Well it hangs/freezes for 30 seconds then fine for 30 then freezes. (Firefox user since it came out, I dealt with many issues)
-Any new add-ons...No
- Only thing I can think of is add-ons that update like any mail of Weather
- It crashes too when I close out Firefox.
-It hangs loading . Even if not logged into google, google in bottom right says loading information... then some add-ons finish loading after google page loads. (Wonders if Google sabotage their Page for Firefox users that have it set to home page to have slow load time if not using Chrome.)
Reproducing the problem all I have to so is open Firefox and and wait. -Last night I open Firefox before bed and just had google page open and when I go on this morning it was freezing up.
所有回覆 (4)
So I changed My Home page back to (Mozilla Firefox Start Page about:home) and it loaded 10X faster. and I notice the add-on toolbar icons loaded FIRST, then the home page. So why did before, google home page loading mid toolbar starting ?
First. picture showing closed out Firefox and it hangs in memory till crashes.
Second. Part of Crash report
Third. google (as Home page) page hanging while loading. As can see Some Icons in top left still not loaded till google as home page is cleared. (Can that be issue with load sequence?)
That was very good work. Well done. Please flag your last post as Solved Problem so others will know.
Have you had any problem with loading the page now?
Nope it loaded Fine and fast the First time, 2nd time it did the same as google page. But My main issue was the weather add-on causing the freezing. I removed the add-on over 8 hours ago and Firefox is fine.
I had issues too removing it. I am 100% sure I removed it and it Only disable it. I had to remove it second time. I wonder too if that was cause loading lag. brb restarting.
Contact the add-ons support site.