I got the message Det finns icke-ASCII tecken i den lokala delen av mottagarens adress anna.bergström@kristianstad.se. Detta stöds inte än. Ändra adressen och f
How do I delite an email that cant be sent Det finns icke-ASCII tecken i den lokala delen av mottagarens adress anna.bergström@kristianstad.se. Detta stöds inte än. Ändra adressen och försök igen. I cant find where the email is so I cant delite it
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According to this webpage, you have inserted the wrong character. https://www.kristianstad.se/en/omsorg-och-hjalp/senior-aldre/boende/demensboende/tatortsvagen2/
anna.bergstrom@kristianstad.se Check the spelling of the email address you are using.
If you got that message from the server then you have already attempted to send it. If you saved a copy then it should be in the 'Sent' folder.
If you have that email address stored in your address books then check the contact details to correct the email address.