Firefox is taking too much Memory
When I start Firefox, it takes about 400-500 MB on startup. There is no homepage set, only 2 addons are there, ublock and IDM. If I open some website in 2 or 3 tabs then Memory usage goes upto 1-1.5 GB. It's update to the latest build 61.0. Having this problem from a long time. Even if no application is opened in the background, it takes 400-500MB. If I open 10-12 tabs then its hangs or sometimes crashes. Tried all the solutions from forum. Kindly look into the matter and revert ASAP. Thanks!
所有回覆 (6)
HI, please understand that a older system with low ram will not perform as well as a system with more. Changes can be made but what you are describing is normal for a Multi-Processor and Multi-Thread Browser.
There is no Revert, only decisions to make.
Every system is different. I have 3 and they all run Firefox differently. Any thing under 2 gigs is good, under 1500 is even better.
To be Checked and turned off unless needed for accessibility : Please : go to the Firefox 3 Bar Menu --> Options --> Privacy & Security panel and under Permissions check (put a tick in the box) the setting to Prevent Accessibility Services from accessing your browser.
Multi-Processor Support : Go to the 3 Bar Menu then Options --> General --> Performance and untick everything. change the recommended size lower then see how it runs. Note: 1 = No Multiprocessor = slow again. Try 2 Restart Firefox after making these changes please. Note : Hardware Acceleration is for Video Card, Monitor to see if remain off or to turn back on.
Only Disable as last resort.
Multi-processor Can completely disable it this way in about:config : dom.ipc.processCount set to 1 browser.tabs.remote.autostart = false browser.tabs.remote.autostart.2 = false
Only move to esr if low ram and old system.
Firefox Extended Release Version : Firefox ESR does not come with the latest features but it has the latest security and stability fixes.
If do please :
- https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/back-and-restore-information-firefox-profiles
- https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/export-firefox-bookmarks-to-backup-or-transfer
Please let us know if this solved your issue or if need further assistance.
i7-6th gen 8GB RAM 4GB AMD M370 Graphic card 1TB HDD
I don't think my gig should hang.
Did you check anything that I put up ?
Firefox ESR does not come with the latest features but it has the latest security and stability fixes. (Save Ram)
I suggest with 8gig move to the Extended Release Version. This system is 6yrs old with 24gig. 2 other systems are 5 with 32gig. 16 is the minimum if you expect everything to run right these days.
adapterDescription2: AMD Radeon (TM) R7 M360 It is still a chip, nice. AMD 4.5gig HD7970 = R2,
So besides comparing foot notes, your system draws a lot as it is a laptop. You can go to Seamonkey or maybe Optimize Win10 by turning off every single setting in every sub setting that you do not use, takes about 45mins.
Tried everything it says, still the same. I thinks it's the problem with firefox itself.
Why taking 1GB RAM is the issue? You still got 7GB.
Hi Akshay, What you're experiencing is not normal behaviour. First, let's try refreshing Firefox. This will purge a lot of your Firefox files, while retaining most of your personal data. For instructions, check out the following article: Refresh Firefox - reset add-ons and settings