menue farben firefox und thunderbird
Hallo Loids,
wie kann ich die Hintergrund- und Textfarben der Menues / Sidebar ändern ? Wie kann ich die Schrift dort ändern ?
Alle themes, die ich gefunden habe ändern die Menues / Sidebars leider nicht.
Gibt es da ein theme oder addon zu - oder evtl. einen versteckten Menue-Eintrag / Konfigurationsdatei ?
Danke im Voraus für Eure Vorschläge / Hilfe.
Win 10 64 bit auf i5 Mobile Firefox Quantum 61.0.1 64 bit portable Thunderbird 52.9.1 32 bit portable
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menu colors firefox and thunderbird
how can I change the background and text colors of the Menues / Sidebar? How can I change the font there? All the themes I've found do not change the menus / sidebars. Is there a theme or addon to - or possibly a hidden menu entry / configuration file? Thank you in advance for your suggestions / help. frolst
Hi, 1st will need to do some reading and get prepared :
- https://www.howtogeek.com/334716/how-to-customize-firefoxs-user-interface-with-userchrome.css/
- https://www.userchrome.org/what-is-userchrome-css.html
Look for code here by asking and/or go to :
So if do the reading and prepare reply back when ready for some code provided someone knows it.
thanks for your answers. I got one solve but also a new question.
The colours I could edit, now how can I change the fonts inside side-box, bookmark listing - see my screenshot.
Thanks for your help,