no google calendar is shown
I'm using google provider to connect to a Google calendar but after entering my credential and I'm supposed to select the calendar, no calendar is shown (cf. screenshot) Using Thunderbird 52.9.1, provider 4.4.1 and lightning 5.4
Is the default Lightning 'Home' calendar visible ? If no, then right click in the blank area below list and select 'Show all calendars'.
You need to have at least one calendar in list, so suggest you use the default 'Home' calendar.
select the calendar you want to delete Right click on the highlighted calendar Can you use 'Delete Calendar' ?
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here is the screenshot
https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/using-lightning-google-calendar After downloading the provider google addon, I presume you then installed the addon into Thunderbird. All instructions at the above link. Did you then restart Thunderbird? If no, please restart Thunderbird.
I installed the provider addon by searching for it through Thunderbird addon manager. It installed the same version as the one that can be downloaded, 4.4.1. Yes, I restarted Thunderbird.
Screenshot does not look correct:
Did you do the same as the image shows below.
Are you using a MAC or Linux ?
I'm on Linux. Yes. The screenshot I posted is after that step. I select 'on the network'. I select Google. I select my email address. Then I get the screenshot I posted.
You should be seeing image below. I'll check out some info.
This is the whole sequence that I'm seeing.
I've just run through a setup just to check nothing has changed recently.
When I get the screen you posted, at the same time I also get a pop up window to sign in to your username@gmail.com email address.
Do you get the google 'sign in to your account email address' window pop up at same time? Enter email address and click on 'Next' Enter Password click on 'Next' Confirm you did the above sign in.
You should then get a 'Provider for Google Calendar wants to access your Google Account. click on 'Allow' Confirm you got the request to allow google provider to access google account.
It is at this point the window you posted should now populate.
However, you do need to have a google calendar already previously created in gnmail account.
Do you get all the way to through the google sign in etc, but the window you posted never populates?
Have you set this up before and are now trying to connect using a previous session?
Is this the first time you are setting this up?
Yes. Everything was actually working previously. But at some point, I got a reminder popup that wouldn't go away. Whatever I chose, submit my changes anyway or reload, the popup would come back in a loop. So I unsubscribed to this calendar and reinstalled both addons, Provider and Lighting, and this is where I am now.
I have followed same path as you. I unsubscribed from gmail calendar only. then tried as you did to get new calendar. It showed my gmail address as one I could choose to link up using, just like your image, but did not populate the same window you have issue with. No calendar created. I can replicate your issue.
I fixed by doing this: In 'Calendar' Do you still see any other google linked calendar such as 'Tasks' or 'Contacts'? If yes, unsubscribe from seeing them as well, so everything listed to do with google is gone. I then restarted Thunderbird. Then 'Menu icon' > 'New Message ' > 'Calendar' select 'On the Network Select 'google calendar' enter the gmail email address It said calendar created. but you may need to do the google sign etc as you completely reinstalled everything.
Then 'Menu icon' > 'New Message ' > 'Calendar' Can you send a screenshot for that?
I also have a last binding with a shared calendar I cannot remove. The unsubscribe option is greyed out.
The 'menu icon' has three horizontal lines and is usually located on the far right of 'Mail Toolbar' toolbar. I've moved mine over to the far left because it seems more logical position to me.
If you use the 'Menu Bar' you can use 'File' > 'New' > 'Calendar'
re :I also have a last binding with a shared calendar I cannot remove. The unsubscribe option is greyed out.
Assuming it is one of the google linked items, have you actually selected that item because the unsubscribe option is greyed out if none is selected.
Yes, I did. You can see on the screenshot that the 2 first options include the name of the calendar.
Is the default Lightning 'Home' calendar visible ? If no, then right click in the blank area below list and select 'Show all calendars'.
You need to have at least one calendar in list, so suggest you use the default 'Home' calendar.
select the calendar you want to delete Right click on the highlighted calendar Can you use 'Delete Calendar' ?
Ok, problem solved. It looks like this shared calendar might have been the source of the issue. After creating a local calendar, I could unsubscribe from this shared one. I restarted Thunderbird as you said and finally could subscribe to the Google calendar. Thanks for your help!
Hola a todos, a mi me pasó lo mismo, intenté seguir vuestros pasos pero no lo conseguía. Mi solución es parecida pero el fallo está en la sincronización de sqlite, al parecer bloquea la petición para cambiar de calendario o agregar otros. Como publicasteis anteriormente hay que eliminar la suscripción. Seguir estos pasos para los que persista el problema:
1. Cancelar todos las suscripciones en ThunderBird de los calendarios de Lightning (si se queda alguna no funcionará, Lightning no puede trabajar sin algún calendario local, créalo sino lo tienes ya). 2. Aunque este paso no es obligatorio si es recomendable, eliminar los complementos 'Provider for Google Calendar' y 'Lightning'. 4. Ir a la siguiente dirección'https://myaccount.google.com/permissions?pli=1' y retirar el acceso de 'Provider for Google Calendar'. 5. Cerrar Thuinderbird y Eliminar la carpeta "C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Thunderbird\Profiles\3clirlno.default\calendar-data". 6. Abir Thunderbird e instalar los complementes 'Lightning' y 'Provider for Google Calendar' en este orden. 7. Reinicar Thunderbird e ir a Calendar. 8. Crear un nuevo Calendar (botón derecho en el lado derecho del Calendar o Pulsar en las tres rayas>Nuevo Mensaje>Calendario...) y seguir los pasos de RED>Google Calendar>Email>(debe salir una ventana de Navegación o popup para ingresar nuestra cuenta Google y dar acceso a 'Provider for Google Calendar'.
Una vez realizados estos pasos podrás agregar nuevos calendarios incluso pasado el tiempo. Estos problemas se deben a una cancelación de algunas suscripciones desde Google Calendar a los calendarios sin haber eliminado primero la suscripción en Thunderbird.
Espero que os sirva.
Un saludo!
gracias, petbang... le diste el mejor consejo thanks, petbang... you gave the best advice