Questionable files downloaded, apparently by FireFox
Over the plast few months strange, unidentifiable files are downloaded without my knowledge or request to my profile. Is this being done by Firefox or some other identity?
Filename: 63E4DBC678776BB80EBD027A9B41CFC4B48E60DF Full Path: c:\Users\Doc\AppData\Local\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\fzc1r4jt.default-1537982030737\cache2\entries\63E4DBC678776BB80EBD027A9B41CFC4B48E60DF
Not Available
Version Not Available
Identified 12/10/2018 at 6:11:28 PM
Last Used Not Available
Startup Item No
Very Few Users
Fewer than 5 users in the Norton Community have used this file.
Very New This file was released less than 1 week ago.
Unproven There is not enough information about this file to recommend it.
File Thumbprint - SHA:
File Thumbprint - MD5:
所有回覆 (3)
Hi LastGuy, the files in the cache2 folders have long gibberishy names. They are cached files, and could contain HTML, images, scripts, and various other files.
Has Norton raised an alarm about one or more of the files?
I suggest leaving it "as is" and letting Norton remove anything suspicious as Firefox saves them.
However, if you want to disabling Firefox from caching files to disk, and you have lots of memory and a very fast connection, you could give that a try. (Someone could find the setting and describe how to change it.)
See also the about:cache page.
You can open "about:" pages via the location/address bar
- "about:" is a protocol to access special pages
Firefox uses two locations for the Firefox profile folder.
Location used for the main profile that keeps your personal data in "AppData\Roaming" (Root Directory on about:profiles).
- C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\<profile>\
Location used for the disk cache and other temporary files in "AppData\Local" (Local Directory on about:profiles).
- C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\<profile>\
See also:
Firefox cache file was infected with a virus Article.
Anything in the Cache is harmless if left alone or allowed to be overwritten or cleared.