Student calendar on https://myportal.unitec.ac.nz/ displays my classes 12 hours earlier than they are.
My student calendar on https://myportal.unitec.ac.nz/ displays my classes 12 hours earlier than they are. I have checked and the timezone on my laptop is definitely set to the correct timezone. I did a search and discovered that this problem could be because I have privacy.resistFingerprinting set to true and therefore my browser is giving the timezone UTC. I checked this via the browser console. I am in New Zealand so my timezone is 12 hours ahead of UTC so hence the 12 hour difference.
I am mentioning this here as I didn't want to bother the folks on Bugzilla until I knew for sure that it was a bug. So I'm asking, is this the expected behaviour for users that have privacy.resistFingerprinting set to true? or is this a bug? I am pretty sure that this problem did not exist earlier in the week when I was running Firefox Developer Edition 69.0b3 (64-bit) (Mac OS); I am now running 69.0b4 and this is when the problem seems to have popped up. So I'm just asking if this is what I should expect if wanting to prevent browser fingerprinting?
The calendar is only viewable for users that are logged in, unfortunately.
This is expected behavior when "Resist Fingerprinting" is enabled. There is more affected:
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I have tried this with the extensions disabled and the problem is still present.
This is expected behavior when "Resist Fingerprinting" is enabled. There is more affected:
OK, thanks for your answer. However, that doesn't explain why the calendar seemed to work earlier in the week when I was running 69.0b3; and I had fingerprinting protection enabled then. Oh well. Have to put up with it I guess.
Thanks, Dean