'reply' symbol not appearing after replying
I've noticed the reply arrow has been missing a few times on a handful of messages. Now I see it's missing more than before. I am using TB V 60.8.0I, and have yahoo mail, gmail, and bluehost mail accounts in TB.
Recently, the reply symbol is not showing on replies from my yahoo account, and some from my bluehost account.
Anyone know why and how to fix?
所有回覆 (2)
are these IMAP accounts? mos usually they are and when the sync with the server occurs the flags are lost because the mail server software does not support those flags.
If you have anything else interfering in the connection like an anti virus program that it could also cause data like this to be lost.
Thanks, the bluehost ones are IMAP. The yahoo one, I don't know.
I do have avast AV, maybe that's the issue. I'll poke around with it, and see if there are some options to fix it.