Single event deleted by Ligthtning from recurring sequence on Google calendar deletes complete sequence on synced Android devices.
I use Provider for Google Calendar with Lightning/Thunderbird to view and edit my Google calendar. A number of recurring events are displayed on my Lightning and Google web calendars but not on my Android devices. These are events where one or more single events have been deleted using Lightning. If a single event from the sequence is deleted from the calendar on an Android device or the Google web calendar the event correctly syncs to all other versions. However if a single event is deleted in Lightning it syncs correctly to the Google web calendar but the complete sequence is removed from Android devices. The attached file shows the ics script of 2 recurring events on my Google calendar; Test 1 correctly synchronises to Android but Test 2 does not.
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I have more details of this issue:
Recurring events do not synchronise from the Google web calendar to Android if 2 (or more?) individual events have been deleted by Lightning/Thunderbird.
If only one event from the series has been deleted the series does synchronise to Android
If two (or more?) events have been deleted by Google web or Android calendars the events synchronise to Android (and to Lightning).
All the events remain visible on the Google web calendar
I have downloaded the calendar from Google and have found the following difference between the ics entries:
When a single event is deleted by Google calendar the EXDATE entry is after the RRULE entry;
When a single event is deleted by Lightning/Thunderbird calendar the EXDATE entry is before the RRULE entry;
I do not know if the error is that the Lightning order does not follow the rules for ics, or that the Android synchronising does not recognise a valid syntax.
On the basis of the above a work-around is not to use Lightning/Thunderbird to delete single events from a sequence.