Recover all the files I have deleted from the download's Firefox (EN/ES/GL)
(This post is written in English, Spanish and Galician; choose one of them to read my problem; Thank you)
Hello everyone,
Since Firefox does not save my downloads in my phone, it does in his own category of "Download" inside of the browser. But, my problem is: yesterday, I have been deleted some files that I have downloaded from it and without wanting I select "Delete all" and all was deleted inmediately.
My question is: Is there any option to recover all the files (mostly pdfs, word)that I download inside Firefox?
Hola a todos e todas,
Desde que Firefox no guarda las descargas fuera de su aplicación, lo hace en su apartado propio de "Descargas" que está dentro del propio Firefox. Mi problema es: ayer, estuve eliminando algunos archivos que he bajado desde Firefox y sin darme cuenta seleccioné "Eliminar todos" y se eliminaron. Mi pregunta es: Hay algún tipo de opción/programa/hack para poder recuperar todos eses archivos (mayoritariamente pdfs, word...) que están dentro de las descargas de Firefox?
Ola a todos e todas,
Desde que Firefox non garda as descargas fóra do seu aplicativo, faino no seu apartado propio de "Descargas" que estña dentro do propio Firefox. O meu problema é: onte, estiven eliminando algúns arquivos que baixei desde Firefox e sen querer seleccionei "Eliminar todos" e elimináronse. A miña pregunta é: hai algún tipo de opción/programa/hack para poder recuperar todos eses arquivos (maioritariamente pdfs, word...) que están dentro das descargas de Firefox?
所有回覆 (2)
Using any file manager app that you have installed on your device, can you find the Downloads folder? Are your downloaded files in there?
No, with this new update of Firefox for Android, all the files I have downloaded were in this section of the image I will show you. This section was not conected to my Download folder on my device (but in the past updates of Firefox for Android, yes, it had been already, but now, with the new update, no).
My Firefox always in the past downloaded my files DIRECTLY into my Download folder on my device, but now (I do not know why), the files stay in the section called "Download" inside of Firefox for Android (so, that means that files does not going to my Download folder on my device).