Trouble configuring a new installation of Thunderbird.
I have trouble configuring a new installation of Thunderbird (Mac). As a result of a pretty devastating crash of my main MacBook and some of my backups. I was left without any Profile at ask and trie ti import an old one from Time Machine.
It didn’t work - the copying would stop, telling me that some permissions were wrong.
I’ve created a new Profile with the Thunderbird down, then started again and the new profile was there (in the Manager) OK Next came the floating window with the heading “Set Up your existing email address” There was my name st the top, everything else in the window was not working - field and button dimmed, so I couldn't proceed any further.
I’ve used Thunderbird for several years, it’s the first time I’ve had a problem like that. Please help!!
所有回覆 (5)
Sounds like something external to Thunderbird really.
Are you using big sur? it has a number if issues as I understand it. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1648487
Thanks a lot. I use High Sierra. This version of Thunderbird already has been working happily on this MacBook for some time. It's my own fault that the present Profiles were erased. The only old profiles file I have is of March 2020, and as I've said it didn't copy. Do you think it makes any sense to try an older version of Thunderbird? ( I've 60.61I can install)
No need to hoard old versions. Every single version of Thunderbird is available to download from Mozilla. http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/thunderbird/releases/
The profiles are a collection of in some cases hundreds of Thousands of files. So what exactly does you time machine backup look like? Does it have MSF files? were the account in it IAP or POP? (very important that one)
Sorry - just in case. In Mac Time Machine you can open any folder exactly as on the working computer. So Profiles will be in the original format of the Profiles that were backed up. My profiles were really big - more than a dozen of very busy addresses. Profile was copying OK, until the xjjpy70p.default folder, then I got a message about the lack of permissions.
Hello Matt! I'm not sure if I've sent the latest reply properly.
Regarding the backup - it is sent back in exactly the same form and content it was saved. Anyway, I can live without the backup, have to start with the clean install of ThunderbirdJust with an empty default profile. Why it doesn't work and how o make it work is my main concern. THis shot. shows the screen I get after installation. All buttons work except Email. https://prnt.sc/w8ljhu Clicking on email produces: https://prnt.sc/w8lexb. Look right but nothing is responsive. That's where i'm stuck now.