Spell check not working
Read the posts on this issue suggest right click text area submenu language, where is this sub menu as I don't see one when right clicking anywhere. Also working very very slowly when inputing text on facebook.
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I assume that you do have a dictionary for spell check installed and not a language pack.
A webpage can disable the Firefox spell checker via a spellcheck="false" attribute of an input field or textarea or editable element and possibly provide its own spelling checker. You can right-click in the text area or input field and use "Inspect Element" to check in the Inspector if this text area has a spellcheck="false" attribute. You can remove this spellcheck="false" attribute or change it to spellcheck="true" via a double-click or via "Edit As HTML" to make the "Check Spelling" item in the right-click context menu reappear. Firefox will disable "Check Spelling" in the right-click context menu of a text area if the web page disables the spelling checker via a spellcheck="false" attribute of this element.
You can right-click and select "Inspect Element" to open the builtin Inspector with this element selected.