Highlighting in the native PDF viewer
I would really like a feature where I can highlight content within PDFs like in Edge. It's really helpful because I usually store PDFs temporarily, and it doesn't make enough sense to download each and every PDF I have to work with. The 'draw' tool isn't particularly helpful when you're working on a Mac 24/7 with no other devices except an iPhone. I've attempted using Yawas, but it doesn't work in the native PDF viewer because it isn't a website!
Please help...
所有回覆 (2)
Yes, it is tested right now in Nightly and Beta (version 122). See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1867512
See also its meta bug if you want to follow the progress.
- 1846098 - [meta] Support highlighting
(please do not comment in bug reports