How to delete the url of local startpage, how to make it as a new tab?
To make the local startpage as a new tab I tried autoconfig.js and autoconfig.cfg but I got a error message when I open the broswer and nothing change. To remove the url from the local startpage I browse the reddit but I couldn't find answer, I want that when I open the browser it show my custom and local startpage without the url appearing.
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If you get an error when you use autoconfig, then you can check the Browser Console for more detail.
What code are you using in autoconfig.cfg ?
Note that you need to set general.config.sandbox_enabled to false in autoconfig.js to be able you include JavaScript. You also can no longer import Services.jsm, but have to use a different way.
let Services = globalThis.Services || ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm").Services;
You can use the autoconfig.cfg file in the Firefox installation folder to initialize (set/lock) preferences and run privileged JavaScript code.
To use Autoconfig, place two files into the Firefox installation directory.
- on Windows, they go into the same directory where Firefox is installed
- on macOS, they go into the Contents/Resources directory of the Firefox.app
The autoconfig.js file that specifies to use autoconfig.cfg is placed into the "defaults\pref" directory where the channel-prefs.js file is located. The autoconfig.cfg file is placed at the top level of the Firefox directory.
- autoconfig.cfg and autoconfig.js need to start with a comment line (//)
- autoconfig.js needs to use Unix line endings (LF instead of CR/LF)
See also:
Content of autoconfig.js:
//start autoconfig.js with a comment line pref("general.config.filename", "autoconfig.cfg"); pref("general.config.obscure_value", 0); pref("general.config.sandbox_enabled", false);
Content of autoconfig.cfg: // start autoconfig.cfg with a comment line
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