Problem getting new messages from the server - "Get Messages" always tells me there are no new messages even though there are new messages on Webmail.
I use Thunderbird on two computers for the same email account. The setup is:
- POP3 server - same configuration on both computers
- The TB versions are 115.7.0(32bit) on a Win10 desktop and 115.7.0(64bit) on a Win11 laptop.
- Both systems request new mail on startup and every 10 minutes. Automatic download is checked.
- Messages are deleted from the server after 21 days.
Getting new mail on the laptop works as specified. On the desktop new messages arrive once maybe twice a day and when TB is shut down and restarted. The "Get Messages" function does not work and always tells me there are no new messages even though there are new messages on Webmail. The problem on the desktop started a few weeks ago and worked fine for years before. I have tried several help "solutions" with no luck. Please advise. Thank you.
由 Wayne Mery 於
所有回覆 (2)
Did you try the time honored method of disabling your antivirus product. They are more than capable of showing just how poorly they are written by blocking all mail if even the slightest thing in one of your emails is not how it wants things to be.
Some folk get short term relief by deleting everything in the web mail spam folder, as they are the most likely to cause an antivirus program to step on itself. But essentially products that scan incoming POP3 emails are becoming ever less reliable. It might be a factor of cheaper retail prices, but I have gone with no email scanning using windows defender.
Thanks Matt. I use Norton and have turned off email virus scanning. I have deleted items in the Webmail junk folder. My ISP's spam filter keeps putting valid emails (some from the same sender get through and some don't) in Junk so I don't see than. I move them to the Inbox and they eventually download. No solution yet.