Downgrade from Beta version to stable one
I would like to move from a bet thunderbir version to the latest stable one. My problem is that I have a lot of stuff configurated and I would like to just copy paste the profile folder from the beta version to the stable version. But I cannot do that as the stable version is previous to the beta one and it's not possible to do like this and a message shows "the profile is from a newer version you cannot use it in this version..."
Any idea? Thanks
所有回覆 (2)
Hola Como intentaste hacer la prueba: copiaste el contenido de la carpeta de perfil del TB estable a la carpeta de perfil de TB Beta? o intentaste levantar el perfil desde el TB Beta (modo de resolución de problemas ->about:profiles) Saludos
Hola, Gracias por responder. Copié el contenido de la carpeta del perfil de TB beta de la nueva carpeta de perrfil de la instalación estable. Saludos