Is there a problem using Thunderbird with Windows 7?
Over the last few months, sending and receiving emails has developed a problem with it taking ages. This isn't all the time, just occasionally, but it is often enough to be irritating. I never had this problem before. My pc uses Windows 7 - has an update to Thunderbird been produced that doen't like the old OS? Should I go back to an older version of Thunderbird? I have a similar problem (not working with Win 7) with other programs (eg Garmin), and I have to ignore notification of updates on them to keep them working. The older version of Garmin works fine with Win 7.
Please note I use Mailwasher before I start Thunderbird. Mailwasher allows me to see if there are any emails waiting for me on (I assume) my ISP's server. I can then delete those I dont want or are suspicious of, before they get on my pc. Having deleted those, I can then start Thunderbird, and I tell Thunderbird to download the remaining emails, not Thunderbird downloading automatically. I dont have any problems with Mailwasher itself, just the moving either way of emails
Thankyou for any help
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I cannot answer all your concerns, but I can share that version 115 is the last release that supports windows 7.
Hello David, thanks for your help. Just to clarify, my version of Thunderbird is 115.10.1 - is that a later version than 115, or did you just not put the full version number? If it is a later version, is there a way of going back to your version?
Regards and thanks
You're fine. I only meant that release 115 and it's updates are the last release. I regret the confusion.
Thankyou David, particularly for that warning about 115 being the last version to work with Win 7. Perhaps I should change my question to "how do I stop automatic updating of Thunderbird before it goes to version 116?" That way I stay on 115.
Anyway, once again, thankyou
First, if all goes as planned, it won't attempt to upgrade beyond 115. However, if you click settings>general there is a setting near the bottom of that pane where you can specify not to autoupdate.
Thanks David. It may not have solved the original problem, but at least I have been warned about not updating Thunderbird. I think this closes this problem