Fuzzy Status Bar ( Barre d'état flou )
Hi all,
I just installed Firefox on a fresh install of Windows 7 and behold, for unknown reason, the text of the Status Bar is all fuzzy (even the Fox and/or small image are fuzzy).
This problem only affect the Status Bar.
Any ideal on how to solve this problem???
Note : I would gladly send a picture of the problem but there is no way to do this here.
Ducktape Canada
This happened
Every time Firefox opened
== Installed FireFox on Windows 7 (Ultimate 32 bits / french language)
所有回覆 (4)
Hello Ducktape.
Can you provide a screenshot of the error?
Hi Morbus,
Sorry for the late reply (I was out of town for a couple of weeks)
Here is a pic of the problem :
Thank you for looking into this.
Looks like the Theme or Persona that you are using is causing the problem because of the "shadowed" lettering making the lettering unclear. Try the Default Theme or another Persona to see if the problem persists. See: http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Using+themes+with+Firefox#Managing_themes_and_personas
Hi TXGuy,
You are quite right, with the default theme, everyting is cristal clear but when I activate the Queen_Blade theme I get fuzzy text in the status bar.
Problem solved. Thank you very much for your help.