my 91 year old friend lost the vertical scroll bar in outlook express. How do I recover the scroll bar? Thanks
On the very right of the screen while using outlook express there is what I call a vertical scroll bar. My friend who is 91 years old lost this scroll bar all of a sudden. He has arthritis really bad and really needs the scroll bar. How do I recover this scroll bar in Outlook Express? He has windows XP. Thanks
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If you are really talking about Outlook Express, then a forum about Firefox, which is an entirely different program, is not the best place to ask a question about scroll bars in Outlook Express.
If, on the other hand, you mistyped and are talking about viewing E-mail via the Outlook Web App using Firefox as a browser, then one possible answer to the missing scroll bar is a known bug which can cause the scroll bar to malfunction if the "Zoom" feature is not set correctly. If, as a 91-year-old, the user has the browser Zoom function on to enlarge the type, this can cause the scroll bar to disappear (as can Zooming out to shrink the type, and in some unusual circumstances with some versions of Firefox, apparently, setting the Zoom to "no zoom"). If this is the case, try "Ctrl-0" (hold the "Ctrl" key down and type "0" [zero, not O]) to reset the zoom to normal. If that brings the scroll bar back, then it can be used again. If the user needs to zoom in to read the message using larger type (using the View->Zoom menu or the "Ctrl-+" shortcut), he can, but once finished, he should reset the zoom again to zero to get the scroll bar back.
If he has to do this a lot, or if a lot of sites need the Zoom to be on, perhaps increasing the default font size for websites which don't specify exact font sizes (most Outlook Web App sites shouldn't, for example) would be best (access the default font size via the Content tab under the Tools->Options... menu). If the type faces start out bigger, there would be less reason to have to zoom in on them to make them bigger.