realplayer won't download videos
I downloaded Firefox 3.6.4 today, and am not able to go to various sites as i did prior to the download, to successfully access the "download this video" in realplayer SP. It works fine in IE8, but i like to use FireFox. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This happened
Every time Firefox opened
== i downloaded the latest version 3.6.4
所有回覆 (20)
Can you tell us what version of Real Player download extension you have? Go to Tools > Add-ons select Real Player Browser Record to get the version number.
I have identical problem after downloading v,3.6.4 earlier today, using real player 1.1.4. Firefox troubleshooting page states this is enabled and should be operational. Have checked the realplayer website and updated. All to no avail. Download facility working fine on IE. Am awaiting reply from realplayer customer services for possible solution. Am now considering returning to IE as default browser. The litany of complaints re. 3.6.4. on this board suggests major issues require to be resolved.
I also downloaded the new version today and now realplayer will not download, although it continues to work fine in IE8.When I did a system restore to the last version of Firefox the add-on worked fine, so I know that it is this latest update which is problematic. Like the other poster, the add-on,RealPlayer Browser Record Record Plug-In 1.1.4, is clearly indicated as being enabled, and I tried disabling and re-enabling it, re-starting both firefox and my system, but nothing works. I would like to continue using firefox as my default and I will just have to continue using the older version until these problems are fixed.
I have the same problem. Please help.
I have real player version 1.1.4, i have just removed it (FireFox) this is ridiculous! I will just stick w/IE8 and maybe try Google Chrome.
Same issue for me
Would someone at mozilla firefox please tell us why this is happening everytime a firefox new version is given us to update? This is so annoying. Can this be fixed asap?
Why does this happen every time Firefox updates. I had to update Real Player each time and when I did it worked. Not this time. I still have IE 6 and it lets me download from youtube. Guess I'll update there and get rid of Firefox if this issue isn't resolved soon.
Realplayer SP Beta and Gold Firefox 3.6.4 no work IE8 works
"download this video" feature with RealPlayerSP no longer works since the latest update to firefox. Works fine in IE8..I like Forefox but will return to IE if this isnt fixed REAL SOON
download this video will not work since dl lates version of Firefox 3.6.4
same problems started for me yesterday. hey Firefox get it fixed
In Windows7 64bit , real-download plugin stopped working as well
Realplayer SP Beta and Gold not working on new version Firefox 3.6.4
Realplayer SP Beta and Gold not working on new version Firefox 3.6.4, but it works on Firefox old version. What is the problem.
This sucks!
I went back to the version I had previously and now can download the videos again. I know it's a security thing, but unless they let us download videos again, I will go back to IE.
YEP. Same thing here. Come on Firefox... what did you do to the Realplayer extension???
Same thing happened to me - looking forward to the fix, Moz. Really like Firefox - not going to switch for any reason, but am definitely looking forward to the fix.
I just reloaded 3.5 Works great. You can keep your updates....thanks.