Print Preview and Print itselt don't show correct result
As title, the results of Print and Print Preview are apparently wrong.
URL of affected sites
所有回覆 (5)
What do you see in Print Preview? And, what do you think you should see in Print Preview?
How does it vary from what is printed to paper? I didn't waste my paper and ink to print it.
IMO, that page really should have a print.css file to allow the viewer to print only 4 sheets of paper that article would appear on and not the other 14 pages of garbage that isn't content of that article. (your page counts in Print Preview may vary from mine, due to variables in settings and hardware)
Hi, the-edmeister:
Is the result of your printing so similar to the looks of the website? NOT AT ALL in my case. I will attach a PDF file containing just the first page of the printing result to show you how much the difference is. The results of "Print Review" and "Print" are coherent to each other but they are incoherent to the real looks of the website. Does "Print Preview" waste any ink and paper of yours? I don't think so.
Well, it just don't show pdf file. Then, I attach the jpg version.
That's the way the first page looks for me. That's why I said that page needs a print.css file so that garbage isn't printed.
Since Firefox can resolve the web page correctly on screen, why can't Firefox send correct data to the printer to make the print result correct? So, it is a bug!