Pages that are shown in the status bar are docked to the right instead of the left..how can I make them go back to the left again?
A couple weeks ago my computer did an automatic update to a newer version of Firefox (it is now 3.6.8). Since this update, every time I open a window, it is docked to the right side of the status bar, when it used to be on the lleft side of the status bar. Also, several windows opened do not all show-instead only one window is shown and it will say how ever many windows I have opened (such as "3 firefox windows" instead of just showing those 3 different windows when it was docked to the left side). I have looked through the help section but cannot find an answer to this. I have looked through the "tools", then "options" section and compared my computer to another computer running the same firefox that has the windows opened docked to the left, and they both have the same exact settings, so it doesn't appear to be an issue with my "options" in firefox. Any help would be appreciated.