How to Modify the Right-click HOTLINK contextual menu in Firefox 4
I need to modify The HOTLINK contextual menu. Right-click on a link on a web page and the menu that pops up is not the one that my neuro-reflexes have been trained to use. I need to rearrange the menu to stop hitting the WRONG option.
The menu-editor add-on DOES NOT allow us access this menu. -- IF it does, please specify how.
所有回覆 (4)
2 Solutions found in http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/ques.../791244
the user cor-el has a method that does not require any add-ons. He States ---
This code in userChrome.css will move "Open Link in New Window" to the top of the context menu.
@namespace url("<a href="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul">http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul</a>"); /* only needed once */ #contentAreaContextMenu > * { -moz-box-ordinal-group: 2; } #context-openlink { -moz-box-ordinal-group: 1 !important; }
the user jay_ff shows how to do it using the Menu Editor Add-on
1. Install the Menu Editor add-on from https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/menu-editor/ .
2. After the installation, go to Firefox> add-ons (or simply use Ctrl+Shift+A)
3. Go to the Menu Editor "Options"
4. In the "Main context menu," simply grab the "Open link in New Tab" and place it below the "Open Link in New Window"
5. and Voila! You may also change other menu options if you want to!
I tried jay_ff method first and found that indeed changing the Main Context Menu did cause the hotlink context menu to change as well.
Can't find the SOLVED button!
You were the only one that posted in this tread. You can't mark your own posts as solved, only post added by other contributors.
Many thanks, :-D
Each time I wanted to open a new Tab, I was getting a new Window I was like WTF !!!! I really don't understand why they changed the order in version 4.0.
Anyway Menu Editor worked fine :-)