Search history problem!
The google search toolbar has history of your previous searches in a dropdown arrow, but this is an add-on and I hear google will stop supporting it. Firefox comes with it's own search window in the upper right, but curiously, does not have a way to look at your previous searches. Am I simply not seeing it?
Add code to userChrome.css below the @namespace line.
You can use the ChromEdit Plus or Stylish extension to have easier access to the customization files.
- ChromEdit Plus: http://webdesigns.ms11.net/chromeditp.html
@namespace url("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"); /* only needed once */ /* Searchbar History */ #searchbar .autocomplete-history-dropmarker { -moz-binding: url("chrome://global/content/bindings/autocomplete.xml#history-dropmarker"); display: -moz-box !important; -moz-appearance: toolbarbutton-dropdown !important; }從原來的回覆中察看解決方案 👍 2
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-> click Firefox button and click Options -> Privacy -> History section -> Firefox will: select "Use Custom Settings for History" -> REMOVE Checkmark from Permanent Private Browsing mode -> place Checkmarks on:
1) Remember my Browsing History 2) Remember Download History 3) Remember Search and Form History 4) Accept Cookies from sites -> click Exceptions... button and click "Remove All Sites" 4a) Accept Third-party Cookies -> Keep Until : select They Expire
-> Click OK on Options window -> Restart Firefox
Check and tell if its working.
-> When you use Clear Recent History feature, make sure NOT to select Forms and Search History
-> See these articles to know How your Search History can be Deleted
- Clearing Location bar History - https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Clearing%20Location%20bar%20history
- How to Clear Search bar History - https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/How%20to%20clear%20Search%20bar%20history
-> If you use Privacy Cleanup Softwares like CCleaner, don't select Firefox in the Applications List. They might be responsible for Deleting Firefox Session and other History Settings.
Actually: What I was asking was not how to get it to remember your history. I can't see my history! Unlike the google toolbar, there is no dropdown to see what you previous searches were. Is there a way to make the FF search bar have a dropdown button like google does? It just seems stupid to have TWO search bars - one int eh upper corner and one in the lower corner.
The settings i provided in my previous post are to make sure that your Next/New Searches won't be Cleared/Deleted/Forgotton.
And there are 2 Search bar places (both at the top):
1) through Address bar
2) Firefox Search bar
jeff5656: one in the upper corner and one in the lower corner. Which Lower Corner Search bar are you referring to ?? Can you attach a Screenshots of it ??
由 Hasan 於
See the screen shot for what I'm looking for. I just want the built-in search box in firefox to have a dropdown so I can see the list of all my previous searches. The google search bar add-on does this, but google is no longer supporting it and since my firefox has a 1.47 GB memory leak (as of this writing) I want to get rid of any addons I don't need.
由 jeff5656 於
The lower one is from the Google Toolbar that is installed in your Firefox. Uninstall Google Toolbar if you don't need it.
-> Troubleshooting extensions and themes
Check and tell if its working.
Yes I realize that. The question was how do I add a drop down to the FF search box so I can see a list of my previous searches? THEN I can remove the Google Toolbar.
由 jeff5656 於
Add code to userChrome.css below the @namespace line.
You can use the ChromEdit Plus or Stylish extension to have easier access to the customization files.
- ChromEdit Plus: http://webdesigns.ms11.net/chromeditp.html
@namespace url("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"); /* only needed once */ /* Searchbar History */ #searchbar .autocomplete-history-dropmarker { -moz-binding: url("chrome://global/content/bindings/autocomplete.xml#history-dropmarker"); display: -moz-box !important; -moz-appearance: toolbarbutton-dropdown !important; }
由 cor-el 於
Thank you cor-el!! You solved it. Now why on EARTH would the FF developers not have that as the default? No one except a few tech geeks would ever know how to do that themselves...