What has happened to firefox? No release information at all!!!! !! !!!!
Any decent company producing software has a log giving the release and what has changed. Not firefox. You go to the home page of the website and look up releases and there is no link at all to any information about the releases. It is like going to a door shop, and not being able to find the door to the shop.
It's so obvious ... someone forgot to put it there.
Come on guys. All this hard work making the software do stuff is completely useless if I as a user can't find out about it because no one has bothered to make the information available.
But more importantly, I can't decide whether we as a family can update the software until I can find out what changes.
How would you like it if your wife refuses to sleep with you until you get her favourite TV program back working on the browser. There are some changes I just can't risk and until I find a list of what has changed, I'm not daring to update her PC.
And don't tell me its easy to find. I've tried looking on the website, then I googled ... and I'm very adept at finding things.
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here you can find the release notes of the current firefox 13 (including a link to a detailed page with all fixed bugs): www.mozilla.org/firefox/13.0/releasenotes/
for past versions please refer to www.mozilla.org/firefox/releases/