Compatibility with samsung android devices
I have read that you've finally released Firefox for android and furthermore that it's extremely fast. I was looking forward to dowloading it, but alas it's not compatible with either my Samsung Galaxy Gio smartphone or, more surprisingly, my Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9, GT-P7310. Please consider working on compatibility issues, especially on topselling android hardware manufacturers such as Samsung and popular models as their Galaxy Tab 8.9.
Regards Jakob, Denmark
所有回覆 (5)
We are working on tablet support in an upcoming version of Firefox.
To answer about your Samsung Galaxy Gio. We currently only support Android devices with an ARMv7 instruction-based chipset. Nonetheless we're currently in the process of testing and preliminary investigation into supporting ARMv6 based devices like you Gio.
You can help us by testing some early builds available for download at:
Be forewarned that performance will be an issue as these are experimental pre-alpha quality builds.
Sounds great. :)
I've installed and shall remember to always allow user data being sent. ;-)
Will await tablet version impatiently then. ;-)